Thursday, September 27, 2007

Trip to Ying Ge / Ying Ge に旅行します。

Yesterday a few of us took a trip to Ying Ge - a town famous for its art and especially pottery. Not quite kaiju related, but I thought it would make for a good post.

昨日、私たちのいくつかはYing Geに旅行しました。 それはその芸術と陶器で有名な町です。 それはおもちゃに関連しません。 しかしながら、それが良い記事であることを願っています。

Train into town:
これは町への列車です: "Old Street":
Lots of shops selling all manner of ceramics.


There are also tons of other art pieces to be found, ranging from the factory produced curiosity to the handmade masterpiece.

Jar Jar, is that you??
あなたはJar Jarですか?
Calligraphy artisan:
Of course, there's plenty to eat and drink. Nice Dou Hua shop:
もちろん、飲み食いするために、いろいろな事があります。 これは良いDou Hua店です:
Ying Ge also has a ceramics museum featuring work ranging from ancient times to the present:
また、Ying Geには、今昔の時間からの芸術があるセラミック博物館があります:

Funny pot from the gift shop:
Hope you enjoyed the photo feast! ^_^

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