Here is the Maverasu checklist. This is a visual checklist, so I'll add photos beneath each version. Over time, this list will fill up with photos, so make sure to check back from time to time.
I've done this in visual list form since I think it's interesting to see photos of many versions together, which lets you see the different styles that Koiwa-san works in, as well as an "evolution" of the figure over time. For easy reference (so you can print it, save it, etc.) I've also added the full list (without images) to the bottom of this post.
As with the other checklists, I haven't included one-offs. Release event/venue info + release dates are given. Again, if you spot any missing info or mistakes, please drop me a line!
ここに、マーベラスのチェックリストがあります。 これが視覚チェックリストであるので、私は各バージョンの下で写真を加えるつもりです。 時間がたつにつれて、このリストは写真でいっぱいになるでしょう。 時々、もう一度それを見てください。
私は、多くのバージョンの写真を一緒に見るのがおもしろいと思います。 それで、あなたは小岩さんの異なったスタイルを見ることができます。 また、それは数年間図の「発展」を示します。 また、容易に参照できるように私はこの記事の下部に完全なリスト(イメージのない)を加えました。
リストは"one-offs"を含んでいません。 リリースイベント情報と公開日を与えます。 どんな誤りも見るなら、私に言ってください!
2005___ Unpainted Purple “Prototype” (Summer Wonder Festival - August)
___ Pinstripe: White on Purple (Tokyo Toy Festival - August)
___ Painted Metallic Purple, Blue, etc. (September):

___ Painted Yellow and Green (Ex-Style Exclusive – October):

___ Painted Light Blue and Black (Junk Yard Exclusive – October)
___ Painted Red and Black (Thrashout Exclusive – November):

___ Unpainted Clear Green (Tin can set (came with painted red Zyurai Asu) – Christmas):
2006___ Painted Light Green and Red (OneUp Exclusive – April):

___ Painted Clear with Black and Silver (Winter Wonder Festival – February):

___ Unpainted Clear Orange with stuffing (Winter Wonder Festival – February)
___ Unpainted Clear Yellow with stuffing (Winter Wonder Festival – February):

___ Painted Clear with Yellow, Green, etc. (Chokorete Banana Chips Exclusive)
___ Painted Clear with Red, Purple, and Green (World Character Convention – June):

___ Painted Clear with Red and Black (Taipei Toy Festival – July)
___ Painted Clear with Rainbow Colors (Version 1) (Taipei Toy Festival – July):

___ Painted Clear with Blue and Green (Taipei Toy Festival – July):

___ Painted Clear with Rainbow Colors (Version 2) (Cronic Web Store – July):

___ Unpainted Clear Yellow (Nerd One Collab - Summer Wonder Festival – August)
___ Unpainted Clear:

___ Pinstripe: Black on Clear Orange (OneUp Exclusive – October):

___ Handpaint: Wood Grain (World Character Convention – December)
___ GID Painted Green and Purple (Design Festa – December):

___ GID Unpainted:
2007___ Pinstripe: White on Unpainted GID (Lucky Bag – January)
___ GID Painted Silver, Gold, and Black (Super Festival 41 – January):

___ Pinstripe: Red on Unpainted GID (Winter Wonder Festival – February):

___ GID Painted Purple, Green, Red, etc. (Design Festa 25 – May):

___ GID Painted Light Green, Light Blue, etc) (Design Festa 25 – May):

___ Handpaint: Metallic Gold and Black (World Hobby Festival – May):

___ Handpaint: Black and Silver (Special Release):

___ Painted Clear with Blue, Orange, etc (Max Toy Exclusive – July):

___ Unpainted Clear (Max Toy Exclusive – July)
___ Ultraman version (Pachimon Summit - October):

___ Unpainted Clear Purple (Pachimon Summit - October)
___ Clear with metallic spray and Red Orbs (Super7 - October) :

___ Red with Beige spray (Ningyoshi - October):

___ Clear with metallic spray and Blue Orbs (Hobby Complex 2 - November):

___ Clear Red with Metallic Spray (Cronic DM):
2008___ Blue with Purple orbs (Lucky Bags - January) :

___ Blue with Blue orbs (Lucky Bags - January) :

___ Blue with Red orbs (Lucky Bags - January) :

___ Unpainted Blue (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Clear Red with Metallic spray (Lucky Bags - January):

___ Gold with metallic spray (Wonderfest - February)
___ Multicolored Handpaint - Gold, Purple, etc.
___ Yellow with Metallic spray (SDCC - July)
___ Unpainted Clear Yellow (SDCC - July)
___ Green with Metallic spray (Summer Wonderfest - August) :

___ Green/Yellow Handpaint with Metallic spray (Summer Wonderfest - August)
___ Clear Grey with Green Spray and White scarf (Kaiju Taro - August)
___ Clear Grey with Purple Spray and Yellow scarf (Kaiju Taro - August)
___ Unpainted Clear Grey (Kaiju Taro - August)
2005___ Unpainted Purple “Prototype” (Summer Wonder Festival - August)
___ Pinstripe: White on Purple (Tokyo Toy Festival - August)
___ Painted Metallic Purple, Blue, etc. (September)
___ Painted Yellow and Green (Ex-Style Exclusive – October)
___ Painted Light Blue and Black (Junk Yard Exclusive – October)
___ Painted Red and Black (Thrashout Exclusive – November)
___ Unpainted Clear Green (Tin can set (came with painted red Zyurai Asu) – Christmas)
2006___ Painted Light Green and Red (OneUp Exclusive – April)
___ Painted Clear with Black and Silver (Winter Wonder Festival – February)
___ Unpainted Clear Orange with stuffing (Winter Wonder Festival – February)
___ Unpainted Clear Yellow with stuffing (Winter Wonder Festival – February)
___ Painted Clear with Yellow, Green, etc. (Chokorete Banana Chips Exclusive)
___ Painted Clear with Red, Purple, and Green (World Character Convention – June)
___ Painted Clear with Red and Black (Taipei Toy Festival – July)
___ Painted Clear with Rainbow Colors (Version 1) (Taipei Toy Festival – July)
___ Painted Clear with Blue and Green (Taipei Toy Festival – July)
___ Painted Clear with Rainbow Colors (Version 2) (Cronic Web Store – July)
___ Unpainted Clear Yellow (Nerd One Collab - Summer Wonder Festival – August)
___ Unpainted Clear
___ Pinstripe: Black on Clear Orange (OneUp Exclusive – October)
___ Handpaint: Wood Grain (World Character Convention – December)
___ GID Painted Green and Purple (Design Festa – December)
___ GID Unpainted
2007___ Pinstripe: White on Unpainted GID (Lucky Bag – January)
___ GID Painted Silver, Gold, and Black (Super Festival 41 – January)
___ Pinstripe: Red on Unpainted GID (Winter Wonder Festival – February)
___ GID Painted Purple, Green, Red, etc. (Design Festa 25 – May)
___ GID Painted Light Green, Light Blue, etc) (Design Festa 25 – May)
___ Handpaint: Metallic Gold and Black (World Hobby Festival – May)
___ Handpaint: Black and Silver (Special Release)
___ Painted Clear with Blue, Orange, etc (Max Toy Exclusive – July)
___ Unpainted Clear (Max Toy Exclusive – July)
___ Ultraman version (Pachimon Summit - October)
___ Unpainted Clear Purple (Pachimon Summit - October)
___ Clear with metallic spray and Blue Orbs (Hobby Complex 2 - October)
___ Clear with metallic spray and Red Orbs (Super7 - October)
___ Red with Beige spray (Ningyoshi)
___ Clear Red with metallic spray (Cronic DM)
2008___ Blue with Purple orbs (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Blue with Blue orbs (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Blue with Red orbs (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Unpainted Blue (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Clear Red with Metallic spray (Lucky Bags - January)
___ Gold with Metallic spray (Winter Wonderfest - February)
___ Multicolored Handpaint - Gold, Purple, etc with blue orbs
___ Yellow with Metallic spray (SDCC - July)
___ Unpainted Clear Yellow (SDCC - July)
___ Green with Metallic spray (Summer Wonderfest - August)
___ Green/Yellow Handpaint with Metallic spray (Summer Wonderfest - August)
___ Clear Grey with Green Spray and White scarf (Kaiju Taro - August)
___ Clear Grey with Purple Spray and Yellow scarf (Kaiju Taro - August)
___ Unpainted Clear Grey (Kaiju Taro - August)