Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wonder Festival 2013 (Summer) / ワンダーフェスティバル 2013 (夏) - Other Sights

In KK's third and final WF 2013 Summer report, we bring you a look at some of the other weird and wonderful sights of the event.

 More after the jump:

This display seems to get bigger and better every time!


All glass!

Beautiful woodwork

Nice integration of a video screen into the display.

Like something from an Indiana Jones movie!

And that's a wrap for our 2013 WF Summer coverage. Can you believe all that goes down in a total of 7 hours! One thing about attending the event is you learn to pace yourself and focus on things you really want to see.

This event went really well for me this time, as I focused on two main areas: indie toys and cosplay, with a grab bag of other fun shots (which made their way into this report) added for good measure. I feel it worked out nicely. Of course there's so much more happening at WF: garage kits, big box type releases like the Good Smile Company's gigantic booth, as well as other exhibitions and even a large 18+ section.

But I'll leave that sort of thing for folks who are more knowledgeable and interested in other types of toys, like the good folks at Tomopop. Here at KK, we've got our hands full bringing you the latest from the indie toy world, focusing especially on sofubi, keshi, and some resin, plus some fun sprinkles on top like cosplay, which I'm enjoying more and more at these events.

So long for now. I hope you enjoyed our coverage! 

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