Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wonder Festival 2013 (Summer) / ワンダーフェスティバル 2013 (夏) - Cosplay

 A look at some of the creative cosplay for this year's Summer Wonder Festival.

Quite a number of show-all outfits at the event.
 More after the jump:

Always the doll people!

One of the great things about cosplay it is provides cover for people to act wild and crazy. A lot of cossers (and photo taking types) were having a ton of fun.

I think this guy stole the show. He was all over the place and having a blast.

Richard Simmons would be proud.

Dude's gonna bust a shroom!

Not too much western-themed cos, but this KR Fourze found a Stormie to hang with.

Pepsi Man drinks Coke???

People were handing him drinks to pose with. Guy was a great sport.

This cosplayer was surrounded by a large crowd of shutter snappers. Just can't seem to figure out....oh I get it!

With working gacha features to boot! It was really funny, The ball didn't come out of the slot, so the assistant gave the cosser the old gacha shake. Good times.

Pico Pico salute!

The hall with the larger exhibitions always seems to have some sort of funky military vehicle.

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