Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kaiju Korner nominated for Designer Toy Award - best blog

We've been nominated again for the Design Toy Award for best blog. KK is certainly more niche than other mainstream sites, and we expect to be that horse you see way in the back when the lead beast crosses the finish line, but it's nice to be recognized, and we appreciate the nod.

This is maybe a good time to note that over the last 6 months or so, 100% of the content on KK has been original - meaning the photos and videos you see here were all taken by me, with apologies  again for the shaky videos. HD they may be, but sure and steady they ain't!

Click here to head to the DTA voting site, gaze upon the gigantic list of nominated blogs, spot the one you think will probably win, and then maybe vote for us anyway.
