Monday, July 9, 2012

Secret Base "Japanese Devil" show at TAG

On Saturday, TAG (Toy Art Gallery) opened its newest show: Japanese Devil. It's a Secret Base extravaganza featuring a fantastic mixture of new releases, one-offs, tattooed figures, prints, pinstriped masterpieces,  a brand new toy, and an amazing display of figures from the collection of the sofubi swami himself: Carl Kent-Smith.

As I few into LA on Sunday, I wasn't able to make it to the shop for the event's opening. Though I missed the party, I was still able to shoot the toy goodness.

Goner Boogie Man

Fan designed by Hiroshi of Three Tides Tattoo + new sofubi figure: Karakase Obake. The figure, designed by Hiroshi, is being produced by Secret Base + TAG.
 More after the jump:

Piece done by Hiroshi at TAG


Supersize Me - designed by Ron English

Devil show T-shirt
 Lots of Usugrow figures in the show:
Salvation Ink

Black Rebel Inks

Usugrow Skull Heads
 And a slew of Obake Dogs:
Obake Dogs

Fantastic tattooed Ganji-Obake Dogs! (sold blind bagged)

Miss Mysterious (sold blind bagged)

Pinstriped T2K2's!

Some of the best pinstriping on a toy that I've ever seen. All four sides of each of these black ones are striped. I got the one on the right. :)

 Next up, Carl's magnificent Secret Base collection:


L'homme himself!

The show runs through July 28. If you're anywhere near LA, I'd strongly recommend checking it out and visiting the store! One of these helpful folks will be happy to show you around:

Connell + Lisa, TAGsters extraordinaire

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