Saturday, July 7, 2012

Matt Doughty (Onell Design) Original Art: 2004

During a recent trip to New England, I had the pleasure of visiting Matt Doughty, of Onell Design. Besides being a great guy, Matt is a fountain of knowledge about production and indie toys, including the history and evolution of action figures over the decades.

Of course Matt is also the geomancer of the Glyos universe and other toy lines. As the situation merits, he wears the hats of the designer, artist, sculptor, production manager, and packager, to name a few.

During my visit to Matt's home/study, I filmed an interview with him, which you can watch here.

As we walked through the studio, Matt pulled out stack after stack of original art, including sketches, paintings, concept art, and packaging designs, Some were annotated with notes about the figures' stories, dimensions, and other details.

I was overwhelmed by it all and asked Matt if I could take pics to share with the indy toy world, and he kindly agreed. So I shot a few dozens pieces of artwork as well as prototype vehicles. Later Matt graciously sent me notes on each piece, including their names, year, etc. I'll be rolling out the pics over the next couple of weeks.

First, lets start with original art from 2004. (Click on each image to see the full size.)
Original Rechlen in the Junkyard artwork

Original Rechlen and Aves Voss Escape artwork

Original SDS comic with Jesse Moore
 More after the jump:

Original SDS comic with Jesse Moore

Original SDS comic with Jesse Moore

Original SDS comic with Jesse Moore

Original SDS comic with Jesse Moore

Original Lost Sincroid Army artwork

Original Rechlen and Aves artwork
Here's a master link list of all my reports on Matt's original art:

Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2004  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2005-2007  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2007-2011  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) proto vehicles and figures: 2005-2011 Click

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