Friday, February 24, 2012

Medicom sofubi bonanza!

Medicom has released pics, prices, and ordering info for a grip of new sofubi exclusives. The good news for fans around the world is international shipping is available for all of them!

First there's Josh Herbolsheimer's Earth Wolf:

Sold as a pre-order for 9450 yen, with the ordering window open until March 31. Click here for ordering info

Next up we have the debut painted releases of MVH's Death Sludge Demon:

These are 9000 yen each and will likely be sold lottery style since orders are sure to far outweigh supply. The ordering window is open through March 10. Click here for ordering info.

More after the jump:

Finally we have not one, two, three, four, but FIVE En-Men by Grody Shogun x Velocitron.

These are being sold as a pre-order for 6500 yen each, with the ordering window open through March 11. However, you can only buy the unpainted figure if you also order the other four. Click here for ordering info.

Hats off to Medicom for being such a great supporter of indy sofubi!

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