Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doki Doki Osaka Sofubi Exposition!

Whereas Tokyo gets most of the indy toy attention, other parts of Japan are also home to quite a few toy makers and more than a few excellent shops. A ton of makers, including Ilu Ilu, Popsoda, Refreshment Toys, Dr Strange Toys, Uky Daydreamer, Nerd One, and Rampage Toys (Hi Jon!) are among the many who live in Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka, and other parts of Japan.

In years past, we've seen some shows held in other cities. One I covered some years back was the Kobe Hobby Complex. But in recent years, a lot of that has dried up, and some shows (including, to be fair, a number in Tokyo) have completely disappeared.

Well now, the Kansai region is back on its feet and ready to put on one hell of a toy show next month. The Doki Doki Osaka Sofubi Exposition, which will be held on March 20, will feature the work of more than 20 toy makers from Japan and beyond. The list includes Yamomark, Blobpus, Max Toy, Ilu Ilu, Elegab, and many more.

Click here to visit the official blog of the event. Here are some pics from that blog showing some of what's in store for the show:


  1. This looks like it is going to be a really great show, with a completel different feel to the other 'big ones.' Wish I was still around.

  2. Definitely looks like a good show. I won't be there to cover it. Hopefully a camera wielding person or two will be on hand.
