Saturday, January 14, 2012

Luke Rook (Grody Shogun) talks toys (video)

Last night I visited the Fort, and as we munched on cookies, we talked toys, Japanese culture, and Crosby, Stills, and Nash (and Young). In this video, Luke talks about his use of new paint techniques and gets into some of the nitty gritty of applying different paint applications.

Note: The toys you see in this video (and my images from the Fort in general) may or may not be made into production figures. So please don't treat everything you see as "previews" for upcoming Grody figures. A lot of figures in Luke's studio are just concepts he's testing out. So please wait for "official" announcements, images, etc from Lulubell (on Facebook, Twitter, etc.) before contacting them about figures. What I'm doing here is providing a behind the scenes look at Luke's work and the toy making process. OK, end note. :)

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