Sunday, January 15, 2012

Initial Turtle Tetsujin resin figure from Peter Kato

Peter Kato, whose work I covered a couple of months ago at an exhibition at Studio Uamou, has a new version of his 2.5" resin figure: Turtle Tetsujin. This version of the figure is Valentine themed. It's clear red, and you can choose a letter, number, heart shape, or "?" symbol to have added to its chest - kind of like traditional conversation hearts candy (which I LOVE, though the stuff you get in bags and boxes these days is lousy. Fortunately some Tasti D Lite shops in Manhattan continues to stock the GOOD STUFF in bulk. Yum!)

Here are a couple more images:
The cost is $15 per figure. You can place an order on Peter's webshop here. The deadline for ordering a custom initial is Feb 1. You can also e-mail them at:

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