Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fuei Shokai Erlkonig Boxed

Here are pics I snapped of Fuei Shokai's new figure: Erlkonig, which I first reported about here.

The figure comes in a very nice wooden box.

It's available at TACO Che, in Nakano Broadway, for 7,000 yen.


  1. Maybe it's just the woodsman in me, but I still like this figure, all creepiness and attitude aside. His bizarre and tree-ghoul nature just appeal to me, and the paint on the one you've pictured is incredible. Not sure I would shell out the yen even if I could afford it, but I would like to have one in my collection.

  2. Yeah I like this one quite a lot. Digging into the folktale origins of these figures is pretty interesting too!

  3. Yeah, Love the paintjob, and reminds me of something from SilentHill. Has mystery, and intrigues me all the way!
