Monday, November 7, 2011

Tara McPherson's George the Vampire proto silicon molds

Here are a couple more behind the scenes in development shots of Tara McPherson's upcoming sofubi figure: George the Vampire. The figure, which was previously made in resin, is being produced by Cherry Vinyl, a joint toy-ad-venture between Lulubell and Pretty in Plastic.
Both halves of the head mold
These are silicon molds for the head and heart pieces. Wax is poured into them, and when it hardens, the wax proto is used to make the final copper molds.
Both head mold pieces + 1 of the heart molds
Here's a shot of the original sculpt from which the above mold was made:

Click here to see more shots of the prototype sculpt.


  1. Great pics, Andy! Did Tara sculpt the piece, or was it done by someone else? It looks so much like her drawings!

  2. Sculpted by Julie B of Pretty in Plastic. She did a great job!
