Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ultraman Art Exhibit at Ibaraki Museum of Modern Art

From November 3, 2011 to January 15, 2012, the Ibaraki Museum of Modern Art will feature an Art of Ultraman Exhibit. At this time, there aren't any photos up on the museum's site, but from what I can gather from my far from perfect Japanese, it looks like there will be paintings, photos, background looks at character and set designs, and maybe some models and Bandai toys.

Plus there will be a chance to take photos with Ultraman, Baltan, and Metron (full-size models, I guess). There will also be video installations and a ton of other stuff to see. US Toys writes in to note that their toys will also be there. Sounds very cool!

At different times during the course of the exhibition, various events are planned, including lectures, autograph sessions, and an appearance by Ultraman. That sounds fun too.

A map to the museum:

Most of the event information (including the exhibit's special events and signing schedule) is in Japanese. Click here to go to that page.

There is one page on the museum's site with some general information about the museum in English. Click here for that page.

It's cool that toys, characters, and monsters are so ingrained in Japanese culture that galleries, museums, coffee shops, and public places regularly host exhibitions and events. On that note there's also a Bandai Museum that I've been meaning to check out...

If anyone out there has a chance to see the Ultraman exhibit, let us know how you like it!


  1. You truly do live in a land of wonder! I am soooo jealous! :D

  2. Oh man, that's an exhibit I would love to check out.

  3. I'd love to check it out too, but Ibaraki is quite a distance from Tokyo. I wonder if the exhibit includes pieces from the Utra Q art exhibit I covered a few months ago:
