Monday, October 31, 2011

NHK invites you to vote for your favorite Ultraman Kaiju!

Perhaps to coincide with the opening of the Art of Ultraman exhibit at the Ibaraki Museum of Modern Art on November 3, NHK is running a fun new poll. They want to find out which Ultraman kaiju is everyone's favorite. The poll is divided into two steps:

1) Click here to go to a NHK page with a preview list of the 10 candidate monsters. They range from the cute and goofy to the scaly and menacing. Directly beneath the above image, you'll see a long burgundy colored banner with a bat on the left. Click that to go to the voting page. 

Now it's time to choose your favorite kaiju, which are listed A to J. If you're not sure about the Japanese, just go back and forth from the previous page (which has the names listed under the images) to the voting page. (A to E correspond to the top row of kaiju. F to J correspond to the bottom row.) Once you've chosen a monster, click the tab beneath the list that says "投票." 

Finally, in the honored tradition of double checking, just to make sure you don't vote for Baltan instead of Kanegon (come on, seriously - you wouldn't, would you???) this page requires you to click the button that says "はい."

And voila, your vote has been cast, and a thousand warts of kaiju democracy have bloomed! Just one vote is allowed per person (based on IP, I guess).

2) On November 3, NHK R1 will have an election related radio program from 4:05 PM to 5:55 PM. On that day, you'll be able to vote twice more, bringing your potential total vote count to 3. When it's all said and done, I imagine the King of Kaiju will be announced!


  1. Ha! Cast my vote! Thanks for posting that, Andy!

    Come on, Baltan!!! ;D

  2. Nice! I hope they'll update that page on the 3rd so we can know who wins. ^_^
