Tuesday, October 25, 2011

GUUMON x Medicom dual releases

The Medicom sofubi parade keeps marching on. The vaunted toy maker just put up pre-order information for 2 very limited Halloween themed GUUMON exclusives.

The first is Halloween Daigomi. The figure, which stands 22 cm (8.7") tall, retails for 9800 yen.

This special Daigomi contains a green plush insert, called "Dai Ghost." According to Brian Mahony of GUUMON, the plush figure represents Daigomi's spirit.
Click here to head to the Halloween Daigomi ordering page.

Next up is a new Krunk, which Brian calls the "Halloween Virus Krunk." The base is a satin black finish, and the eyes are orange. Also standing at 22 cm (8.7"), Krunk retails for 8800 yen.

Click here to head to the ordering page for the Krunk.
The packaged figures
A great piece of news for collectors is, unlike with many previous sofubi exclusives, Medicom will ship these overseas. Plus, they have ordering information in English.

The pre-order will be up through November 7. After that window closes, Medicom will follow up with each buyer via e-mail. (Those e-mails will be sent out by November 14.) If there are more orders than toys, Medicom will hold a lottery to determine buying eligibility.


  1. I love the design of the Halloween edition Daigo! The plush adds to the overall worth of it, but it also adds color. Because of the way Daigomi is painted, the green plush has a chance to be seen. I've never seen anything like this, I can't wait to order one! Thanks Andy!

  2. Yo that is sick! but I like the US Halloween Krunk better, but sill supa fresh...

  3. I agree guys. These are really nice releases, and I love the way the green plush shows through the clear. A few years back, Secret Base used plush inserts in some clear figures, but those were a lot smaller than Daigomi.
