Monday, October 24, 2011

Ceramic kaiju from Miles Nielsen/Munktiki

Miles Nielsen of Munktiki is about to release his first line of ceramic kaiju figures. I love this kind of cross platform pollenation, especially when the quality is so high.

Miles has worked with ceramics for years. He designed the mugs for a Gargamel mini Hedoran figure/mug set a few years ago. Plus, his work has been featured at solo shows in Tokyo and San Francisco (at Super7). Miles' knowledge of and experience in all things tiki and ceramics is deep. Now, the accomplished ceramist is taking the plunge into designing ceramic kaiju with two new figures.

The first is Kappa (one of the versions is shown above), which is something of a cross between Kappa, the famous Japanese yokai, and Garemon.
The Kappas, standing at around 16", will be $300 each.
Next is Ikakumora, a creature combining elements of a squid and a spider.
Each Ikakumora stands at nearly 10". They'll be $120 each.
Miles is planning to release the figures on the Munktiki site one day this week, so check there often for updates. He's also got lots of other projects in the pipeline, including a collaboration with Bwana Spoons.


  1. These ceramic pieces are amazing. Would love to see the molds he made for them. Presumably plaster, and a lot less forgiving than silicon.

  2. Good question! I'll try to find out from Miles.

  3. Beautiful pieces! We always knew kaiju were art, but this just pushes it a little more toward fine art!

    Thanks for sharing these, Andy!

  4. Very much agreed gents. Brian, I found out from Miles that the molds are indeed plaster. Good call! I'm trying to get more shots and info on the production process.
