Saturday, July 30, 2011

Many many more Medicom Sofubi Exclusives

Today, Medicom celebrated its 15th glorious year with a pair of exhibitions in Shibuya. It also launched a surprise attack with yet another showcase full of upcoming indy sofubi collaborations. Some were shown at last week's Wonder Festival. (Click here for my report.) Others, such as new Ilu Ilu collabs, debuted at today's show. Medicom has been spectacular in its support of indy designers, and my hat's off to them.

Here are a pics from the display, starting with wide shots and moving on to close ups. I've added whatever information was made available, including the release date and price.

 Close ups after the jump:
Ilu Ilu:

 MVH Ollie:

 Atelier G-1 x Alex Wald:
 Bear Model:
Release date: 8.7.2011 Price: 6800 yen

 Jet Turre:
 Josh Herbolsheimer:
 Kaiju Coup:
Warui Inu
 Max Toy:
Release date: August 6
 Monstock x Zarigani Works:



Release: 8.7.2011  Price: 6,000 yen


 Real Head:
Release date: 12.2011 Price: 5800 yen
Doranekon will be released in 12.2011 Price: 2625 yen
 Ultra 7:
Release date: 12.2011 Price: 6825 yen


  1. great pics! man i would love that Ollie!

  2. Man! You really do cover the hell out of the sofubi scene in Tokyo! I can't wait to get to some of these show in person over the next year!

  3. Thanks! Happy to spread the word about sofubi! :O)
