Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Godzilla movie promotions in Taiwan

Taiwan Godzilla poster inside movie theater.
Taiwan is a major market for international films, and the country goes all out in promoting Hollywood blockbusters. Recently, theaters pulled out all the stops to put Godzilla on everyone's mind, including some nice giveaways, displays, and cross-marketing efforts.

Taking a page out of Japan's decades-old tradition of handing out movie flyers at theaters, Taiwan put together an A-4 sized Godzilla flyer, But they took it a step further,
The flyer, featuring one of the main movie poster images (with traditional Chinese script) is on high-quality, heavy paper stock.

The back contains six stickers which can be peeled off one by one. Awesome!

 More after the jump:

I Godzilla Taiwan!

In the equally time-honored tradition of branding theater food items, the cups and popcorn bags were Godzilla'd out. Here's an empty popcorn bag:

This was for a T-shirt and poster promotion. They were all out of posters, but there was a way to fill in a card for a chance to win one via a drawing.

Finally, here are some stairs at the department store housing the theater (the Miramar in the Da Zhi district of Taipei).

Taiwan is a really nice place to watch films, with state of the art complexes, great seats, and IMAX theaters. Plus there are very cool marketing promotions!

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