Monday, September 23, 2013

Secret Base Artist Project Devilman release event

Yesterday in Harajuku, a trio of stores sold a new batch of figures in the Secret Base Devilman Artist Project Line - with a chance at a bonus figure if you bought all six.

These four figures were sold at Secret Base:

Secret Base
  More after the jump:

 This Rockin' Jelly Bean design was sold at Erostika:
This Bounty Hunter design was sold at the BxH shop:
At Secret Base, you got this blank card:
And for each figure you bought at each shop, you got a sticker:
Card with all the stickers:
Once you filled the card, you brought it back to Secret Base and got a scratcher card that gave you a chance at winning a gorgeous extra figure, available yesterday only at the shop: a marbled Secret Base Devilman:

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