Saturday, June 15, 2013

New from Star Case (June, 2013)

 New pics and info from Star Case.
Some of the recent releases

This mixed part Harlock came in a box. Really cool version.
 More after the jump:

Very limited "don't go into the deep swamp" Harlock with face reveal.

Backing card art

The Harlock "face reveal" backing art was made by modifying the art on the right, which was used for a previous Star Case release.

Custom set.

That's what ye get for going into the swamp!

R2 - the latest addition to the family.
Comes with mini Kenny Baker figure, row of 4x4 fog lights (next to Kenny) and a few extra head piece covers as a nod to the R1-R4 range found in the Arii bootleg plastic toy models from 30-35 years ago.

Kenny actually fits into R2. The idea for the next planned version (set for July release) is for R2 to be clear so you can see Kenny inside. Oh my god! You cleared Kenny! Well, probably just R2.

Past release + maybe a custom/handpaint or two medley.

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