Thursday, June 27, 2013

Erostika Monster Triology - Rumble Monsters is Back!

Big news for Rumble Monsters fans. Erostika (Rockin' Jelly Bean's retail outlets in Tokyo and Nagoya) has put out a flyer detailing upcoming releases of Rumble Monsters toys and T-shirts. It's been quite a while since new versions of these toys have been released.

On the docket are new versions of Pharaohs, Damnedron, and Monstallion. Back in the day, RM put out fantastic paint apps for these figures, including some legendary Pushead designs.

Some closeups of the flyer:

The price breakdown looks like:

Damnedron: 6,300 yen
Pharaohs: 6,300 yen
Monstallion: 4,200 yen
All T-shirts are 5,040 yen each

The flyer says the release is slotted for July, though no specific date is mentioned. Welcome back, Rumble Monsters!

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