Sunday, April 14, 2013

Makaimura/魔界村 (Ghosts'n Goblins) Keshi Gomu Set

I finally tracked down a complete Makaimura keshi set, which was put out by Bandai around 1986. Today, during a lazy afternoon in Shibuya, Tokyo, I snapped some pics, since I think it will be a cool reference for folks into keshi and/or Makaimura and/or creepy photos of toys perched on giant rabbit mannequins.
There are 21 figures in the set. Just a few are of Arthur (armored and nearly nekkid) and the princess (not nekkid), and the rest of the figure are baddies bent on Arthur's destruction and, if you were a child of the 80s, all of your quarters.

Today's rubbery malfeasance took place at a nice coffee shop/restaurant called Glorious. It's smoke free and reasonably priced. The nachos aren't bad, and the serving of fries, which come in a paper bag NYC Pomme Frites style, is huge by Japan standards.
The figures came in five different colors, and they're about 1" tall.
More after the jump:

The Makaimura keshi were released in two ways. As I've been told, most were sold in gacha machines. You got 3 figures in each capsule, and it cost 100 yen per turn of the magic wheel.

The other selling method was in tiny boxes (with three figures per box), but I believe that release style was less common, and based on images I've seen in a sort of catalogue (which I haven't been able to photograph though I want to) you could get the same variety of color types in the boxes except one (green, I think, was the missing one).
Each gacha capsule came with this nifty folded pamphlet.

On the back are illustrations of 16 of the characters in the set.

And on the right inside flap, you've got illustrations of the other five, as well as the names of all 21 figures, So it's a nice reference.
 Here are some individual figure shots:
Send more quarters - I mean paramedics!
Very similar to the Gargamel sofubi figure.
Nicely posed, detailed, and balanced figure.

We're going to gomu - clap - you up!


Thingscaper. I like the different textures and levels of detail in the series. Gives it a nice variety.

nearly nekkid
Action shots:
Dark brood


I'm a comin' princess, but I've got problems of me own - and there's a sword growin' out me arm!

The hell?
The rest of the creepy rabbit mannequin, for that segment of our readership. Toys are still perched on head. All very classy. It's just the way we roll.
Click here to check out another post I did about Makaimura toys.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

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