Friday, February 8, 2013

Hints and Spices (and friends) show in Harajuku

For two days at the Design Festa Gallery in Harajuku (in central Tokyo), Shane Haddy of Hints and Spices put together an exhibition of his new sofubi figures as well as toys made by people who've helped him learn the craft over the last two months. The full name of the event is the "Sofubi and character work study tour: Conclusion exhibition."

The show is the culmination of Shane's three-month adventure in Japan, during which he's designed, sculpted, and produced two new sofubi figures. Read all about it on his blog here.

Pics from the show, starting with Shane's work:

More after the jump:

Mr. Shane
 Works by Shane's toy mentors:




 Congratulations Shane, and best of luck going forward!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see Shane's Waniphant at
    the show along with his new
    creations. That Koala monster's
    face has some serious sharp teeth!
