Thursday, January 17, 2013

Super Festival 61 (スーパーフェスティバル61) Part 3: Mighty Jack Exhibition

Our final report from Super Festival 61 is a look at a special exhibition of Mighty Jack (マイティジャック) items. Mighty Jack was a TV show from the late 1960s, making it one of the earlier tokusatsu shows - buoyed perhaps by the Ultraman wave.

These types of exhibitions are regular at each SF, with toys, games, props, paperwork, and other related items. It's a nice inside look at what is usually a very fine collection of items.

Plastic masks like the one in the top left were made for a ton of different shows. One sometimes sees them displayed on the ceilings of toy shops.

More after the jump:

This particular exhibit had a wealth of paperwork on display.

The box in the center-top says "M.J. Secret Base." Gorgeous design paperwork!


Super-detailed design specs, and so nicely preserved for more than half a century.

I believe these are screenplays.
Well, that's all for our Super Festival 61 coverage! If you missed it, here links to Part 1 and Part II.

Thanks for reading!

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