Sunday, January 13, 2013

Super Festival 61 (スーパーフェスティバル61) Part 1: Indie Toys

Today's Super Festival, the first of 2013, saw an enthusiastic gathering of toy makers, new and vintage toy dealers, TV heroes, and fans.
It was a very nice, though chilly winter's morning in Tokyo.

The toy faithful arrived by 7:00 AM to get a lottery ticket to participate in the early morning sales.
Here's Part 1 of Kaiju Korner's SF 61 report: indie toys. The makers are arranged alphabetically.

190+ pics after the jump:

By Hamamatsu Diorama Factory
Info for Hamamatsu Diorama Factory

Micro figures sold in a gachapon machine



Comet Debris:

 Cosmo Knight Alpha:

Creative Design:
Today they were taking pre-orders for this figure.

Dynamic Koguma:

Fewture Models:



Display only


These are made of resin and come unpainted. The French designer (who lives in Japan) does this as a hobby but is a full-time animator.


Upcoming release

Ilu Ilu:

Each figure has a larval appendage that pops on and off one of the arms and fits into a groove on the figure's head, so it can ride Vinydum.

Each Vinydum also comes with a mini figure

Helmets are removable


The inner light changes colors.

Jetture + Handsome Taro:

Debut release

Released today
 Kaiju Ken:

Planned debut release is in a couple of months.

Debut release coming soon
M1 GO:

Outside morning sales

Inside booth


I think if you bought one of the above figures you received one of the figures in this box.

Shooting game prizes

The always smiling boss of Marusan explaining the game

Nerd One:

Came with a body in a bag, as with the previous release


 Shamrock Arrow:
Shamrock was selling blind bagged Motukos. Most were unpainted black. A few were painted chases. This was one of the painted figures.


Really standout figure

Sunguts + Pico Pico:

TT Toys:

Velocitron + Grody Shogun:

This head was found by Luke at an antique show. He recasted it and added doll eyes. Looks good.

Painted by Ilanena


Really nice pair
Thanks for checking out part 1 of our report. Coming soon, in the next part, we'll look at shirts, dealer tables, and some of the other events going on during the show, including an appearance by none other than Nanjo Tatsuya - the original main actor from Henshin Ninja Arashi and Tiger Seven!


  1. KILLER photos!!!

    The highlight on Futuristic toys is awesome. I like his aesthetic and how he pays so much attention to small details. Nice.

    Thanks for posting all this!

  2. Awesome coverage! thank you for posting.

  3. I love it when you have coverage
    of these cool events in Japan!
    Thank you for taking so many photos.

    highlights for me are :

    Fig-lab's Finger Five finger puppets
    Motuko by Lamour Supreme
    Butanohana's micro figures
    Nerd One's keshi Steregons
