Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rampage Studios opening event and store visit

This weekend, Tokyo's newest indie toy store, Rampage Studios, opened its doors. The shop features many figures by Rampage Toys and other makers, as well as collabs, exclusives, and various other incarnations of indie art cross-pollenation.

First some shop details:

Address: 3-14-9 Zoshigaya, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0032
Closest station: Ikebukuro (take the East exit, near the Seibu department store)
Hours: Tues. 14:00-19:00, Wed. 12:00-17:00, Thurs. 14:00-19:00 (closed Friday though Monday, but may be open on weekends for events) It's also possible to make an appointment during off-hours.
Contact e-mail:

OK, onto pics of the shop, the current Keishi show, and the opening festivities:
Storefront window, visible from the street
 More after the jump:

Art Junkie



Nama Niku

Extraordinary stuff!

Jon has a Calgon take me away! moment

Peter Kato

Nice paint work by Jon

Eric Nilla


TRUTEK and the Disarticulators. I love the way this came together!

Super cool pose on this dude


Kid Ink Industries x Rampage Toys

Blobpus x Rampage


Display only shelf

(L) Frenzy, (R) Blurble

Splurrt x Rampage Toys coming soon.

A couple of funky Frenzy x Rampage figures

Jon's take on GUUMON's Daigomi

Grumble Toy

OG Rampage Toys

Nice shirt design

Gacha machine!

Shane (Hints and Spices) goes gacha crazy!
And that's a look at Rampage Studios. Some of the figures in the studio will go up for sale soon on the Rampage Toys Big Cartel site. And of course if you're in Tokyo and want to check out some figures from Rampage Toys and other makers in person, the Studio is now open!


  1. Go Jon GO!!!

    Thank you for the great coverage
    of Rampage Studios opening, Andy.

  2. Such awesome pics of everything!
