Saturday, December 29, 2012

January '13 Pandemonium show at One Up Akiba

One Up Akiba's monthly Pandemonium show is becoming a staple on the Tokyo sofubi circuit. With so few big shows left, small shows like these help makers ply their trade while providing a platform to try out new things. Pandemonium is the only custom show I know of that's held every month.

At these shows, you're more likely to see new or experimental styles, maybe because the numbers are so small. The figures are mostly one-offs or super-small runs. Also, the selection isn't limited to sofubi. You can also spot resin, plush, and mixed media pieces.

There are often figures that clearly involved a huge amount of work, and some of these lean towards the fine/conceptual art side of the spectrum and are less toy-ey than other works. But you've got straight out toy toys too, if the idea of art toys sounds too hoity toity.

Today, the January Pandemonium show opened, with works by Del Roffo, Blobpus, Todd Robertson, and a few others. At the opening, the Monster Factory toys were especially popular, but with a bunch of folks lined up, there was plenty of love to go around.

As always, if you see something you like, send One Up an e-mail to see if it's still available. They will ship overseas. Tell them andy from Kaiju Korner sent you. Here's their e-mail:

Show pics:

 More after the jump:

Todd Robertson's has done amazing things with his Ammonaito resin figure.


nice texture work on these Rampage dinos

Monster Factory resins

wild custom. reminds me of the imperial flag

nice Enma

This gigantic sofubi figure is by an outfit called Zenith.


  1. CERRITO - César ZanardiJanuary 3, 2013 at 5:19 AM

    Lot of snakes in this Pandemonium! Loved it!

    Happy 2013 Andy!

  2. Happy Merry Best Andy!
    Best wishes to the KK crew. Looking forward to another great year of sofubi coverage!

