Saturday, November 24, 2012

Store Visit: Psycho Monsterz

For fans of Alien, Predator, and other horror/action films, Psycho Monsterz may be your dream - or if you like, your nightmare - store. Located in central Tokyo on Waseda Dori ("dori" is "avenue" in Japanese), just down the road from Nakano Broadway, the shop is just enough off the beaten path to fly under the radar.
But it's actually pretty easy to get to, and it's worth visiting, even just to check out the fantastic work that went into the mini and life-sized sculptures that populate nearly every square inch of the shop.
Some great news for overseas fans is they will ship worldwide. Just head to their website or send them an e-mail (see contact info below).

Let's start with the details:

Tel: (03) 3389-6648
Address: 〒164-0002 東京都中野区上高田2-3-22
Closest subway station: Nakano (on the Chuo/Sobu line)
Store hours:1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Contact e-mail:
Click here for a Google map to the exact location.

Now let's check out what the store has to offer, starting with its impressive selection of mini busts and statues:

 More after the jump:

 The store also has some masks:


 And there are some larger statues:

 The shop also has some horror movie replica props... some toys.

And that's a look at Psycho Monsterz, which is really easy to connect to a trip to Broadway. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I burned out on the Aliens & Predator franchises back in my teens, but I'll still check this place out. Thanks for posting information on this wicked store, & so close to Broadway, sweet!
