Monday, October 8, 2012

A closer look at Kikkake's Iron Monkey

Yesterday, the debut version of Kikkake's Iron Monkey was released as a Medicom Project 1/6 exclusive.

Here's a closer look at the figure:
The figure has 10 parts

Great paint job combining vintage style colors with silver metallics
 More after the jump:

It also comes with a vinyl cape.

Really nice articulation, with jointed wrists that let the monkey's cymbals turn and become weapon-shields.

Another example of the great articulation. My only qualm is with the legs, which rotate but don't allow the figure to be displayed in a sitting position, since it falls over. Also, the legs have to be in a certain position to let the figure stand without tipping.

The skull cap pops off to reveal some monkey brains! I spoke with Kikkake at SF yesterday, and plans may be in the works for other attachments! Another point: The neck cravat is a separate piece, so that's another one that could be swapped out for something else down the line.
Finally, here's a pic I snapped yesterday at SF:
I had originally thought the eyes might be doll eyes, but here you can see they look to be part of the head sculpt. If that's the case, Kikakke did a bang up job sculpting and painting the eyes. Fantastic recessed effect.
This is one of the most exciting figures I've seen in 2012. So many possibilities for paint apps, swapped parts, and variations. I asked Kikkake when the next version might be released. The exact date isn't set yet, but it may be as soon as next month, and the release may be handled online.

The price for the debut, and for figures going forward, is currently set at 8000 yen.

Keep your eye on the Kikkake blog for info.

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