Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Show Preview: Bob Conge's Recent Works

It seem nearly every time we see new works by Bob Conge (Plaseebo), he's on a new creative track: working with new sculpts, materials, and electronics. Fans of Bob's work will be happy to hear he's got a new show coming up.

Simply called Recent Works, the show will be held at Phillips Fine Art and Frame in Rochester New York, from September 22 to October 20. The site's address is 248 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14604-2640.

The opening reception will be on Saturday, Sept. 22 from 1-5 PM.

Here's a look at some of what will be released at the show:
And some thoughts on the themes of the show in Bob's own words:

"THE TOY AS ART” would be a befit­ting phrase to describe the arena my recent work inhab­its. These are pieces inspired by the vivid mem­o­ries of a fer­vent belief in the likes of Santa and Franken­stein, the tragic loss of that vibrant real­ity and on occa­sion my revul­sion with the real­ity of today. My pieces find expres­sion in the form of small sculp­tural fig­ures in vinyl or resin and large folio lim­ited edi­tion prints."

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