Sunday, September 23, 2012

New GUUMON figure: Bangagon + DirtyBit

GUUMON Vinyl Labs is hard at work on a new edition to their sofubi family: Bangagon. I should say new editions, as Bangagon, a studly fellow standing strong at 9.5" (and who will fit in very nicely with other members of the GUUMON sofubi enclave) comes with a companion figure: DirtyBit. Don't you just love that name - sounds like something from a Little Rascals movie.

But DirtyBit is no ordinary sidekick. He's no pansy or toady. Hell no! The clam kaiju is used as a weapon by Bangagon, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two. Not sure what DirtyBit gets from the arrangement - first dibs on their victims' fleshy parts?

Here are a couple of tantalizing pics of the figures in development.

No word yet on when the debut versions will be released, but le mot dans la rue is that they'll be sold in Japan. Plus, we've heard that the dynamic outfit from beautiful New England has other new creations in the works. Looking forward to seeing those too.

Ganbatte GUUMON!

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