Saturday, July 14, 2012

Super Magic Funtime Unit at 5&A Dime

Last night, several blocks from the convention center, a sofubi deluge descended on the streets of San Diego. The show, held at 5&A Dime, featured works by Paul Kaiju, Grody Shogun, Skinner, Itokin Park, Blobpus, and others. About 100 people were on hand for the calamitous bliss.

First some wide angle shots:

Within the coffin
 Much more after the jump:

 Paul Kaiju:
Pollen Kaiser revealed. Lots of great choices at the show

Glorious Mockbats + Boss Carrion

First time I've seen one of these!

Mash up T-shirt!
 Grody Shogun:
Debut releases of Luke's new figure, including hand sewn outfits. Luke has a lot of plans in store for the figure.


Itokin Park:

Really nice work on the body

Very interesting paint work on these

Pico Pico:
As always, super fun figures from Pico Pico

Real Head:

Debut release of the decap head

Comes with removable Cure mask


  1. KILLER coverage andy! I love this!!

  2. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures! Good to finally put a face to the name :)

  3. Great meeting you too Amy! :O)
