Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2005-2007

Now that the dust from SDCC has (mostly) settled, I can get back to posting images I shot of original art by Matt Doughty. (Click here for my earlier post on Matt's art from 2004.)

This time, we have art from 2005-2007 (part 1):

Original Cirie, Exellis, Lochren, Nan, and Rafe artwork
Cover of Rechlen and Aves 2006 Edition

Original Beantown Product concepts

Attic Wall Beantown artwork with Marc Beaudette

Unproduced Beantown Wedgie concept art with Marc Beaudette
More after the jump:

2007 (Part 1)
Alternate Andromeda Pheyden and Cosmic Wave Pheyden for a Japanese ad

Original Eclipse Pheyden artwork for Crayboth package insert

Original Phanost artwork for Crayboth package insert

Original Exellis artwork for Exellis package insert

Original Gamma in Glyos concept

Original Crayboth artwork for Crayboth package insert
Here's a master link list of all my reports on Matt's original art:

Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2004  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2005-2007  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) original art: 2007-2011  Click
Matt Doughty (Onell Design) proto vehicles and figures: 2005-2011 Click

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