Monday, May 21, 2012

New Popsoda + Refreshment Shop (International shipping OK!)

Popsoda has a new location in Osaka. The shop also features Refreshment Toys figures and merch, as Refreshment moved to the new location with PS.

The Popsoda and Refreshment websites are in Japanese, but if you see anything you like here (or on the sites) and want to order, they will ship anywhere and can accept payment via Paypal. No need to go through their online shopping system. Just send them an e-mail at:

The basics:

Address: 〒550-0027  大阪市西区九条2-26-13
Tel: 06-6599-8056
Hours: 12:00-8:00 PM (Closed Wednesdays)
Map: Click here for a pinpoint map to the shop.

More shop pics:

 More after the jump:

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