Thursday, May 3, 2012

Monster Mayhem show at FOE Gallery

Once again, the Northeast is flexing its indy toy muscles and showing the world what's what!

From May 11-June 3, the FOE Gallery in Massachusetts will host the second incarnation of the Monster Mayhem show. The show will include work by a host of monster masters from around the world:

Brian Mahony, Bob Conge/Plassebo, Monster Worship, James Groman, Koji Harmon, Elegab, Miles Nielsen, Michael Nordstrom, Ricky Wilson/Velocitron, Martin Ontiveros, Bob Eggleton, Michael Skattum, Eric Talbot, Joe Merrill/Splurrt, Dennis Hamann/Shirahama, Steven Erst, Mark Nagata, Paul Kaiju, Stephen Blickenstaff, Mark Masztal, and Michael Bracco/Spaghetti Kiss

If past is prologue, this show is going to be a rocking event. The opening reception is on May 11 from 6-9 PM.

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