Friday, April 13, 2012

Diggler & Doji-san wrap up their Southern tour: Charleston and Atlanta

The dynamic sofubi duo of Splurrt's Diggler and MVH's Doji-san joined us as we wrapped up our travels in the South. After leaving Knoxville, we made a beeline for Charleston, South Carolina, which involved a beautiful drive over the Blue Ridge mountains and a straight shot across South Carolina all the way to the East coast.

First up, some snaps from Charleston:

This cannon was on a ship that fired on Fort Sumter (which is visible from the shore) at the start of the Civil War. Long after the battle, the cannon was salvaged from the ocean.

At the Carter Museum, in the Oval Office. Nice place, though the Clinton library (in Little Rock, Arkansas) is more snazzy.

Carter received 3 medals when he won the Nobel Prize. Here are two of them.
More after the jump:
Olympic Centennial Park

With the inventor of Coca-Cola. The World of Coca-Cola is a fun place to visit if you ever find yourself in Atlanta.

Have a Splurrt and a smile.

Looks like the Olympic torch!

The CNN center is less interesting. Very restricted tour, and no Wolf or Anderson spottings. There was a lifesize cardboard cutout of Larry King, but it was creepy. Oh and I set down my bag of World of Coke goodies, and it disappeared. :p

Well, that's all for our sofubi tour of the South. In fact, we just arrived in Tokyo a few minutes ago. Back in sofubi central!


  1. Alright! I just caught up with
    your posts and saw that you had
    a good time here in the South.

    The Diggler and Doji-san photos
    are a hoot! :D

    Glad you had a safe trip back
    to Japan.

  2. Thanks! It was a fun series to put together, but a real whirlwind of a trip (1500 miles in 9 days). Now I'm paying Class A interest on the dividends from some Grade A jet lag.
