Saturday, March 24, 2012

Visit with Rich Montanari aka LASH (Mutant Vinyl Hardcore)

The other day in New Haven I hooked up with my buddy Rich Montinari aka LASH, the man behind Mutant Vinyl Hardcore and its fast growing sofubi empire. Rich is always a cool dude to hang out with, and he's riding a non-stop slipstream of creativity and ideas for new projects and collabs.
Let's start with some new pics of his studio. (Click here to check out my studio visit report from last year.)
Recently Rich received a a huge order of blanks, including the first pulls of his new figures as well as a big batch of Ollies. Here's a look at some of the figures in his studio - waiting to be painted!

 More after the jump:

Next up we've got some collab pieces ready to be worked on:
Upcoming MVH x Splurrt collab.

Clear Ollies from recent pre-order for MVH x SpasmOne collab

Here's a shot of the recent MVH x Medicom exclusives:

Up next we've got the first painted Death Sludgie, which Rich went to town on to get a sense of the figure's contours, how it will look painted, and to start getting a feel for potential paint apps:

Workspace table and tools:

Rich applying doll eyes
Finally here's a rare look at Rich's personal collection, including a bunch of customs and unpainted MVH figures:

Gorgeous Frankie custom by Rich!
Soon, I'll be posting an interview I shot with Rich in his studio. We had a great chat - definitely make sure to check that out.

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