Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ricky Wilson talks toys + Paul Kaiju's newest sofubi figure: Pollen Kaiser

Yesterday during my visit to the Fort I had a chance to catch up with Ricky Wilson (aka Velocitron) while he was working on the wax proto for Paul Kaiju's upcoming sofubi toy: Pollen Kaiser.

In the video, Ricky talks about Pollen Kaiser, upcoming Velocitron toys, the next batch of figures for the TAG Karoshi show, and a lot more.

I brought a tripod this time, so I think the video quality is a tad higher than for previous videos. Luke makes a cameo at the end and proves the ancient adage: left to right tripod swivel good. Limited up down tripod swivel makes photographer look Hobbit sized.

Here are a couple of stills of Ricky working on Pollen Kaiser:

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