Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More about Miles Nielsen's Shishi ceramic kaiju figure

The other day, I wrote about Shishi, Miles Nielsen's newest ceramic kaiju figure. To follow up on that report, here are pics that Miles sent over of some gorgeous painted figures:

I love the way the paint work evokes elements of both traditional kaiju spray and ceramic glazing techniques.

More after the jump:

Finally you have a matte white Shishi, which evokes kaiju rub elements combined with beautiful glazed red accents.
Shishi will be released on March 1 at a show of Miles' work at the Grasshut shop in Portland, Oregon. The shop is located at 400 NW Couch St and is open daily from 11 AM-7 PM. Sounds like it's going to be a fantastic event.

To see more of Miles' work, you can also head to munktiki.com.

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