Friday, January 6, 2012

Tokyo Toy Shop Map Updated!

I've added two shop locations to the KK Tokyo Toy Shop map. The map now includes Kotobukiya and Akiba Zone (which houses One up Akiba, Robot Robot Akiba, etc.). Click here to check it out.

The resource now includes 26 locations, which includes individual shops as well as complexes like Broadway + Akiba Zone. Also, some locations cover multiple shops if they're in the same building (ex: Star Case + Ichibanboshi; Secret Base + Bounty Hunter + Erostika). Anyway, all that's indicated on the main blog post.

I've also started adding links to KK store reports, as the idea is to make the post a one-stop resource for Tokyo toy shopping. (I'd like to do one for Osaka and Nagoya, but that would be a ways down the line.)

I'll be adding more shops to the Tokyo map in the fullness of time. Please bear with me. It takes quite a while to nail down each shop location, as Google Maps is like a crocodile - extremely powerful but a PITA to wrestle down!


  1. Very cool. I hope to put your maps to use in the future.
    I've been to The Mandrake and both Spanky stores here in Nagoya, am I missing something else other than the capsuley anime shops?

  2. Those are good shops. There's a vintage shop in the area, but I can't remember the name. Also a Transformers dude way way out in the sticks, and Gateway. Gonna need time to add everything to the site.

  3. Awesome! I need to use your map one day. Tokyo looks like an amazing city already, but mapped toy stores?!?!? YEAH!
