Sunday, January 8, 2012

Star Case Governor General Garumaya Final Release

The other day, Star Case put up a pre-order for the latest Governor General Garumaya (or is it Galaxy Black Robo Viceroy Gulmeyer? The mystery persists!), the first figure in its Space Black Robot series. The release, which was made to order, is the third and final version of he who shall be not be named...pretty much because we haven't figured out what that should be.

The figure is being released unpainted and unassembled, and it will come in a large box reminiscent of the ARII plastic model kits on which the series is based. It also comes with instructions showing you how to put it together.

So with this version, Star Case has made a sofubi style version of the original plastic model kits. Brilliant homage!

Here are pics which I snapped at Star Case yesterday:
Box contents- laid out plastic model style
Assembled figure

 Finally I've got to repost this amazing video made by some friends of Star Case:


  1. Hey there!

    So where did you hear the name was "Governor General"? Just curious! (as I am the guy who made the video(^-^)).

    Perhaps I translated it wrong...!

    Is the original series Space Black Robot, then?

    Anyway, thanks for the post and cool blog. I'm guessing you are somewhere in Tokyo?

  2. Hey Jason. Great video! Yep, I'm in Tokyo.

    I've talked about the English figure and series name a couple of times with the Star Case owner. There's no "official" English name for the figure, but I've been trying!

    I go into the translation quite a bit in this post:

    I'm certainly not a professional translator, though.

  3. Totally great write-up! I had no idea there were other foreigners trying to figure out the name for this guy...woulda been great to team up :)

    Were you by chance able to get your hands on one of the figures?

  4. Thanks Jason. Hah hah you're right the translation called for a tag-team effort!

    I was lucky enough to get the black one. The last Garumaya (unpainted yellow) was made to order so that was a nice way to make it available to everyone (who got in within the 15 minute window).

    I'm really curious to learn about how you hooked up with Star Case and am interested in talking more about toys and videos. Let's talk. Shoot me an e-mail: kaijukornerandy(at)gmail(dot)com

  5. Hey Andy--I sent u an email. Let me know if u got it.

  6. Got it thanks Jason! Sorry I'm a couple days behind on my e-mails. I'll get back to you tomorrow. (Gotta head to sleep now. :)
