Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fig-Lab Finger Five Series

Yesterday I posted a pic of the upcoming Finger Five sofubi series being put out by Fig-Lab. Here's that pic again:

The figures shown in the pic are all original sculpts, so the development process is still underway.  Each figure is a "finger puppet," meaning there's just one part, and the bottoms are hollow. They're about 2-2.5" tall.

Here are up close pics of each figure with the designers' names underneath:
Lamour Supreme



Onell Design
Paul Kaiju
The series is slotted to start rolling out within a few months. Looks like a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out!


  1. Andy, the 4th figure is Pheyden, a character produced by Onell Design's Matt Doughty. Didn't know if you knew, but figured you'd want to know if you didn't know... you know?

  2. In the words of Rick Perry, "Oops." The little feller slipped through. Thanks for the heads up! :O)

  3. Great series!
    Kaiju Korner exclusive in the works?
    Let's hope so.

  4. No plans there, but I hope to have a big announcement or two for other collabs soon. ;-)

  5. I'm definitely looking forward to these little guys. I'll just have
    to be patient for the release.
    Thanks for the info on these, Andy!
