Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Grody Shogun images

A bit of Grody lore here. This is one of the very first Monster heads Luke painted,  to get a sense of how the part looks painted. I told him I thought it would make a cool release.
A few more stills I took at the Fort the other day:



  1. Andy, excellent post.
    Some really great shots. I've seen a few of these via Luke's Instagrams. Nice to see them from a different vantage point. That full frontal of the SeagoolMonster gives him a much more brooding appearance! Loving that picture. Those little guys with the yellow arms have to be some of my favorite mash ups so far. Also, are the horns on that skull made of tails?
    Thanks for the Grody updates & insights.

  2. Could be - or maybe arms from a Shikaruna figure. The skull is so cool. The jaw moves up and down. Look out for a lot more innovations like this in future sofubi figures. We're set to start moving way beyond the standard up down/left right figure joints. ;-)

  3. Sounds very cool. Look forward to seeing how these innovations will take shape. Just checked the Korner for Shikaruna and found your studio visit video. That place looks like tons of fun!

  4. I can't wait for more GS figures and am stoked for the Monster Kara!

  5. That first green Monster head with the black rub is amazing! It brings out the details like nothing else! A release like that would really drive people nuts!
