Monday, November 28, 2011

New from Uamou

New images from Studio Uamou:

 More after the jump:

As always, the best place to get new Uamou toys is on their website (they ship overseas) here. A quick look around the shop reveals that they accept payments vis Paypal + ship overseas via EMS at an extremely reasonable rate. Yay Ayako!


  1. hi!
    its an awesome shop!
    we visited it just couple days ago and spent some money in there! ;)

    i think we will visit it once or twice when we are here in tokyo.
    we will be spending money until 7th of december,so beaware! ;)

    if you wanna meet me and my wife someday for some toy shopping hit us a mail! :)

    with love lontime readers: Jani+Saana

  2. Howdy! Wow, you guys have been crazy busy on Tumblr! Did you get all that stuff in Tokyo??? I'll send you an e-mail. I have been known to meet fellow toy nerds in Nakano from time to time. :O)

  3. great!
    we allready did one trip to nakano this time but more is always better! :D
    hit us email and lets see what happens! ;)
    tomorrow(tuesday)we will go to kamakura...tourist time! :)

    see ya soon!
