Friday, November 18, 2011

Dream Rockets solo show at One up Akiba

Hot on the heels of the Rumble Monsters show, today One up Akiba launched its next indy sofubi solo show, featuring the customs of Dream Rockets. For the show, Dream Rockets customized figures by Kaijin, Yamomark, as well as several Dream Rockets characters.

Figures went on sale tonight at 7:00 PM. Until next Monday, sales will be at One up Akiba only. After that, sales will open up online. I asked Ken-san to send me a photo of what's left next Monday, If that comes in, I'll post it, as well as Ken's e-mail, so you can place an order.

On to exhibit pics:

Kaijin Figures

 More after the jump:

 Yamomark Figures

 Dream Rockets Figures

It was awesome to see not only so many amazing Dream Rockets customs, but also to see One up Akiba filling in the massive hole left by the closure of Kaiju Blue. Ken-san is a big fan of indy sofubi, and these solo shows really help support indy makers while giving fans an opportunity to check out some great exhibitions between the big shows.

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