Saturday, October 29, 2011

One up Akiba Zone sofubi exclusive extravaganza (and overseas ordering details!)

Yesterday, One up opened a new branch in Akihabara's brand new complex: Akiba Zone. I'll write up the whole store in my next post, but I wanted to start with a focus on their sofubi exclusives, which took up an ENTIRE CASE.

Though these figures aren't up for sale on the One up website, I talked to Ken (the owner), and told him a lot of overseas collectors may be interested in them. So, he gave me his new e-mail address to pass on to you guys. I'll get to all the ordering details in a second. First up, here are closeup shots of each figure:
Yamomark GID Umipudoru (6000 yen)

Max Toy Negora (3300 yen)

Max Toy Dualos (9450 yen)
More after the jump:

Left: Rumble Monsters Adam-A-A-Answer (6800 yen); Right: Sunguts Adobarana (3000 yen)

Dream Rockets Gabari - 7000 yen
Real Head Adios (5500 yen each)

Real Head adult Chaosman (5500 yen)

Real Head Fortune Cat (3500 yen)

Instinct Toy x Banana Virus Pandemic (4700 yen)

Ken wants to let everyone know he's really busy with the new store opening, so both his replies and shipping may take a bit longer than unusual.

These are all limited, so the sooner you write in, the better. To order, send Ken an e- mail at:

To help your order go smoother, I'd recommend the following:
- Write in short, clear, direct sentences. He uses English/Japanese online translation sites, so the longer and more complex your sentences are, the more likely the translation will get garbled. Rule of thumb: Try to limit your sentences to 10 or 12 words or less.
- In your e-mail, besides the name of the figure (and maker) + quantity, I'd recommend attaching the above photo(s) of what you're looking to buy, to avoid mixups.
-I'd also recommend including your full name, address, zip code, country, and telephone number. This will help Ken process the order more quickly and get you an EMS shipping quote faster.

I hope everyone gets what they want. If you write to Ken, tell him Andy sent you. ;-)


  1. Sweet collection. That Negora is Hot!
    I need to get myself over to Tokyo sometime.
    Excellent post! Look forward to more on this.

  2. Great coverage Andy. Thanks for showing pictures of the exclusives. The Dream Rocket Gabari is 7,000 yen per Dream Rockets blog.

  3. Thanks guys! I've updated the post with the Gabari price. I hope some of you guys were able to score some figures. Mark Nagata just tweeted that the Negora is sold out.
