Friday, September 9, 2011

Updates, updates, updates

Whew. No new toy news today since I'm buried in work writing an article for Clutter 16, which should be out next month. The piece focuses on "The Fort," Luke and Ricky's studio in Koenji. It will have lots of photos and insights into the workings of the sofubi dynamic duo. Make sure to check it out!

Onto Grody x KK news. Some, but not all the GID parts, have been delivered by the factory, so we're not quite ready to announce a release date. I apologize for the delay. I'm feeding you the info as I get it, and I appreciate  your patience. You've really got to go with the flow with toy production here. But don't ye fret - the release will be worth the wait!

Don't forget - tomorrow is MVH x Medicom release day! We'll be in Shibuya to cover the action.

Then on Monday, I'm flying to Taipei. I'll be sure to post some updates on the toy scene there!

OK, back to the keyboard....


  1. Getting super excited for the GS x KK release! Can't wait to see some colored up Glowdy. Speaking of which, I just spied some AMAZING Glowdy monsters Luke posted on Twitter. Perhaps a hint of what's to come? Destined for Superfestival? *regret* Can't wait for the KK exclusives and up comming Clutter article. Thank you, Thank you. Have a blast In Taipei!

  2. Luke's a machine! The man is always coming up with new ideas. When making toys here, sometimes the old chronometer needs to be reset. But we'll get there, and it will be glowrious!
