Monday, September 26, 2011

Real Head Triple Headers

Baseball has double headers. Transformers has triple changers. And Real Head has triple headers.

Over the last two years, some of the most exciting figures from RxH have come from collaborations with a group of very talented artists. They've painted RxH figures, re-envisioned core characters, and designed heads, body parts, and weapons to attach to RxH bodies.

I thought it might be fun to take a look at a unique group of these figures: the Triple headers.

The first of these (and one of the earliest RxH crossovers), was this head by Skulltoys:
Not only does the sculpt go perfectly with the body, but the figure has a very literal demonic character. It's like something that walked out of the shadows of a hellish nightmare.

Recently, Mirock Toys (one of my very favorite RxH collab gurus) designed three new Asroman heads for the core RxH standard sized body.
These three were released at Super Festival 57. From left to right: Asroman #2, #3, and #1
What I love about these is the way they continue with the religious iconography Mirock toys has become known for. The slightly bulging, bulky heads, as well as their matching headdresses, conjure images of a wood or stone temple idol (available now at iTunes).

More after the jump:
Mirock and Skulltoys side by side:

 Asroman closeups:

Check out the eye sockets!

Once again, I've got to tip my hat to Canon for making this photo shoot possible. The lighting and macro shots were also a test run for the new series of KK toy reviews, which launches this week.

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