Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mishka HQ Visit

During a recent trip to NYC, I was invited by the Mishka crew to visit their office in Brooklyn. It was great hanging out with Greg (Big Boss Man) and Joel (Lamour Supreme), getting an inside look at Greg's office and toy collection, snapping some shots of Joel's diminutive/demonstrative toy sets, and sampling some fine Brooklyn cuisine.
I knew I was in for something when I spotted this on my way from the subway station to the building.

Joel guided me to the unmarked building.

The inner sanctum, located at the back of the building, behind desks staffed by toiling Mishkanities and cavernous spaces storing Mishka gear. .
 More after the jump:

Greg's Nag collection

Joel tenderly cradling a Nag with a Freddy Kruger glove
 More of Greg's collection:

Greg lurking among the toys

Awesome Gargamel omakes

Greg's also got some great wall coverings:

Greg showing off his prized Mr T prototype action figure. Such a cool piece.

The uber inner sanctum

Some of Greg's heavy Gargamel hitters:

The man himself at his desk.
Joel brought out some amazing pieces, some of which haven't seen production yet:

Joel  clearly doesn't believe in half measures!

Family Man

Mischief makers.
Thanks for the tour guys!

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